Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC) Collection
The Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Aging (PI, Gerard D. Schellenberg; UO1AG032984) to conduct genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify genes associated with an increased risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD).
More information about ADGC can be found at
ADGC GWAS Datasets From Naj et al. (2011)
Cohort | Platform | 1000Genomes (Mar 2012) |
Cases / Controls | Total | Link |
Discovery (Stage 1) | |||||
ACT | Illumina Human660 |
Y | 365 / 94 | 2171 | NG00034 |
ADC1 | Illumina Human660 |
Y | 1985 / 523 | 2731 | NG00022 |
ADC2 | Illumina Human660 |
Y | 688 / 116 | 926 | NG00023 |
ADNI | Illumina Human660 |
NA | 268 / 173 | 441 | Access Data |
GenADA | Affymetrix 500 | NA | 669 / 713 | 1382 | Contact PI |
Genetic Differences | Illumina Human660 |
Y | 213 / 0 | 213 | NG00034 |
UMVUMSSM | Illumina Human660/ 1M Duo/ Affymetrix 6.0 |
Y | 1177 / 1123 | 2462 | NG00042 |
MIRAGE | Illumina Human610/330 |
Y | 491 / 738 | 1502 | NG00031 |
NIA-LOAD | Illumina 610 | Y | 1798 / 1568 | 4410 | NG00032 |
OHSU | Illumina Human CNV370v1_C |
NA | 647 | 647 | NG00017 |
TGEN2 | Affymetrix 6.0 | Y | 668 / 365 | 1511 | NG00028 |
Replication (Stage 2) | |||||
ADC3 | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 843 / 430 | 1526 | NG00024 |
MAYO | Illumina HumanHap300 |
NA | 728 / 1173 | 2099 | NG00043 |
ROSMAP | Affymetrix 6.0 | Y | 294 / 763 | 1668 | NG00029 |
UPitt | Illumina Human Omni1-Quad |
Y | 1255 / 829 | 2219 | NG00026 |
WashU | Illumina Human610 |
Y | 259 / 186 | 576 | NG00030 |
ADGC GWAS Datasets Added in Kunkle et al. (2019)
Cohort | Platform | 1000Genomes (Mar 2012) |
Cases / Controls | Total | Link |
ADC4 | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 304 / 377 | 1054 | NG00068 |
ADC5 | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 400 / 539 | 1224 | NG00069 |
ADC6 | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 563 / 298 | 1333 | NG00070 |
ADC7 | Illumina OmniExpressExome |
Y | 529 / 706 | 1462 | NG00071 |
BIOCARD | Illumina OmniExpress |
NA | 6 / 112 | 202 | Institutional Certification Missing |
Einstein Aging Study | Illumina OmniExpress |
NA | 9 / 141 | 284 | Institutional Certification Missing |
MTC | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 256 / 189 | 542 | NG00096 |
NBB | Illumina1M | NA | 80 / 48 | 299 | Institutional Certification Missing |
RMAYO | Illumina OmniExpress |
NA | 13 / 233 | 428 | Institutional Certification Missing |
ROSMAP2 | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 59 / 217 | 544 | NG00095 |
TARCC1 | Affy 6.0 | Y | 323 / 181 | 625 | NG00097 |
UKS | Illumina 550 | NA | 596 / 170 | 1746 | Institutional Certification Missing |
WASHU2 | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 38 / 94 | 235 | NG00087 |
WHICAP | Illumina OmniExpress |
Y | 73 / 560 | 653 | NG00093 |
ADGC Exome Chip Datasets Added in Wang et al. (2015)
Cohort | Platform | Cases / Controls | Total | Link |
CHOP Exome Chip | Illumina HumanExome-12 |
2792 / 2388 | 5180 | NG00081 |
ExomeChip - WashU | Illumina HumanExome-12 |
519 / 349 | 868 | NG00085 |
Miami Exome Chip | Illumina HumanExome-12 |
931 / 992 | 1923 | NG00080 |
Northshore Exome Chip | Illumina HumanExome-12 |
3776 / 2222 | 5998 | NG00079 |
ADGC GWAS Summary Statistics:
Dataset | Link |
ADGC Summary Statistics- Naj et al. (2011) | NG00027 |
IGAP Summary Statistics- Lambert et al. (2013) | NG00036 |
ADGC African American Summary Statistics- Reitz et al. (2013) | NG00039 |
ADGC Neuropath Summary Stats and Phenotypes- Beecham et al. (2014) | NG00041 |
ADGC Age at Onset Summary Statistics- Naj et al. (2014) | NG00048 |
IGAP Summary Statistics ADGC Subset- Lambert et al. (2013) | NG00053 |
Transethnic GWAS Summary Statistics - Jun et al. (2017) | NG00056 |
Summary Statistics of IGAP Age at onset survival GWAS dataset - Huang KL et al. (2017) | NG00058 |
IGAP Rare Variant Summary Statistics- Kunkle et al. (2019) | NG00075 |
ADGC case-control summary statistics on 7050 samples not included in the IGAP-2013 discovery stage- Hu et al. (2019) | NG00076 |
IGAP APOE-Stratified Analysis Summary Statistics- Jun et al. (2015) | NG00078 |
GWAS Summary Statistics of informed conditioning analysis in African Americans- Mez et al. (2017) | NG00088 |
Novel risk loci and pathways associated with Alzheimer disease in African Americans: A GWAS and meta-analysis summary statistics- Kunkle et al. (2020) | NG00100 |