MIRAGE (Multi Institutional Research on Alzheimer Genetics Epidemiology) is a cross-sectional family-based study of genetic and environmental risk factors for AD. Families were ascertained through Caucasian probands meeting NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for definite or probable AD. Unaffected sibling controls were verified as cognitively healthy based on a Modified Telephone Interview of Cognitive Status (mTICs) score ≥ 86. The MIRAGE dataset contains primarily discordant sib pairs and some spouses of AD probands.
MIRAGE is a GWAS dataset used in the discovery stage of the ADGC Naj et al. meta-analysis from 2011. It is one of the ten cohorts assembled by ADGC to identify genetic variants in LOAD.
Detailed information about the dataset is provided in the following document: NG00031_MIRAGE_README.txt